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[내맘노] MC Scniper - BK LOVE (여친소 OST)




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[내맘노] MC Scniper - BK LOVE (여친소 OST)


아티스트: MC 스나이퍼
발매일: 2002년
첫번째 앨범: SO SNIPER
장르: Rap, Hip-hop



MC 스나이퍼는 대한민국의 래퍼로, 충청북도 제천 출신입니다. 중학생때부터 음악에 관심을 가지게 된 그는 "삼핑캠프"라는 일본 힙합 공연 동영상을 보면서 힙합에 빠져들게 되었고, 클럽 마스터플랜의 무대를 통해 첫 공연을 하였습니다. 자신의 크루 스나이퍼 대군단(또는 Sniper'z)을 조직하여 활동하였고, Buddha Baby로 재편성되면서 대외적으로 많은 활동을 보이지 않았던 멤버들의 곡이 실려 어느 정도 그들을 대중에게 소개하는 역할이 되었습니다. 그의 첫 앨범의 타이틀곡인 〈솔아 솔아 푸르른 솔아〉는 이미 언더그라운드에서 활동했던 곡이었지만, 후속곡인 BK Love에서 그의 인기는 더욱 크게 늘어났습니다. 이를 통해 "힙합의 음유시인", "민족 MC" 등의 별명이 점차 붙게 되었습니다. 2002년 메인스트림 진출 앨범을 발표한 그는, 그해 말 발표된 스페셜 앨범에서도 여전히 열심히 작업하여, 2003년 2집을 발표하였습니다.

MC Sniper is a rapper from Jecheon, Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea. He became interested in music during middle school and became fascinated with hip-hop after watching a Japanese hip-hop performance video called "Sampling Camp." He had his first performance at Club Master Plan and organized his crew, Sniper's Army (or Sniper'z), which later reorganized as Buddha Baby. The group's songs, which had not received much attention before, were introduced to the public through his activities.

The lead single of his debut album, "Sol, Sol, Blue Sol," was a track he had already been involved with in the underground scene, but his fame expanded further with the subsequent release, "BK Love." Consequently, he gradually acquired monikers like "rap's wordsmith" and "country's MC." He dropped a commercial album in 2002 and continued to put in effort on his special album, which was unveiled at the conclusion of that year.




브「HD」MC Scniper / BK LOVE (我的野蛮师姐여친소OST) 全智贤전지현

출처: 유튜브 [ZOZO]



이 노래는 한 사람을 사랑하면서도, 그 사람에게 힘들고 불안한 감정을 느끼는 주인공의 이야기를 담고 있습니다. 주인공은 그 사람을 생각하면서도, 그에게 자신의 마음을 표현하지 못했고, 결국은 떠나야 했습니다. 그러나 그 사람에 대한 사랑은 변하지 않았고, 그 사람이 자신을 이해하지 못할지도 모르지만, 자신이 그 사람을 사랑했다는 것을 알아주었으면 하는 마음이 담겨 있습니다.

그녀는 처음부터 어긋나 버린 끝이 된 사랑을 겪었지만, 그녀를 위해 마음을 담아 불러보았습니다. 그녀를 위해 준비한 사랑의 꽃잎이 되기 위해 눈물을 흘리고, 결국 이루어지지 못한 사랑을 슬퍼하며 지내고 있습니다. 하지만 언젠가는 그 사랑이 이뤄질 것을 바라며, 그녀를 위한 이 노래를 부릅니다."


This song tells the story of a protagonist who loves someone deeply, but feels burdened and anxious around them. Despite constantly thinking of this person, the protagonist couldn't express their feelings and eventually had to leave. However, their love for this person never changed, and they hope that even if the person doesn't understand, they can at least recognize that the protagonist truly loved them.

The lyrics create a sentimental and emotional atmosphere, conveying the protagonist's honest and profound feelings.

"This song is about my friend's love story. She experienced a love that was off from the beginning and became a bitter end, but she sings this song with her heart for the one she loved. She shed tears to become the flower of her love for him, but eventually, their love didn't come true, and she still lives in sadness. However, she sings this song for him, hoping that someday their love will be realized."



지역에서 가장 싸움잘하는 여경을 건드려버린 일진들의 최후 (feat. 전지현은 최고다..)

출처: 유튜브 [영반]



소매치기를 뒤쫓던 용감한 순경 경진은, 범인을 잡기 위해 따라가던 명우를 잘못 체포해 파출소로 데리고 온다. 이 사건을 계기로 인연이 된 두 사람은 점점 가까워진다.


두 사람은 처음 만날 때 서로에게 호감이 없었지만, 경진은 명우를 체포한 후, 그녀의 도리 운운에 마음을 취해 서로 가까워졌다. 서로를 좋아하게 된 후, 함께 겪은 사건들과 여행을 통해 사랑이 깊어져간다.

Brave police officer Kyung-jin, who was chasing a pickpocket, mistakenly arrests Myung-woo and brings her to the police station to catch the real culprit. Through this incident, the two become connected and gradually become closer.

Although they didn't like each other at first, Kyung-jin was drawn to Myung-woo's principles and beliefs after arresting her. As they began to like each other, their love grew deeper through the experiences and travels they shared together. Even though they are now unable to be together due to lost contact, they promise to always be by each other's side and live a wonderful life together.




[#가수모음zip] MC 스나이퍼 (MC Sniper Stage Compilation) | KBS 방송

출처: 유튜브 [Again 가요톱10 : KBS KPOP Classic]





MC Scniper 유튜브 채널


mc sniper

mc sniper 입니다^^




MC Scniper 나무위키 프로필


MC 스나이퍼 - 나무위키

어떤 놈은 시를 읊듯 랩을 재미없게 해 배치기 탁의 MC 스나이퍼 디스곡 '못' 중 MC 스나이퍼에 대한 비판은 주로 "라임이 없다" "가사에 시적 표현을 과하게 사용한다" "노래방 비트같다" 등이 있










끝까지 봐주셔서 감사합니다. 또 방문해 주세요!


[내맘노] 2023.08 선곡 (1~110)

My Heart's Song https://acea.tistory.com



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