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[내맘노] 박인수 - 봄비




[내맘노] #내맘노

내맘노 My Heart's Song



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박인수 - 봄비


아티스트: 박인수
앨범: 뭐라고 한마디 해야할텐데/가고픈 나라
발매일: 1989년
장르: Korean Folk/Blues, KPOP, , 한국 발라드, Korean Ballad


박인수 (Park In soo)는 대한민국의 원로 소울 가수로, 1947년 9월 3일에 태어났습니다. 
1970년, 그의 음악 경력은 신중현이 작곡한 곡 '봄비'로 시작하였습니다. 이 노래를 통해 그는 큰 유명세를 얻었으나, 이후 대마초 사건에 연루되어 음악 경력의 내리막길을 걸어가야 했습니다. 또한, 이러한 어려움을 겪는 동안 아내와도 이혼하게 되었고, 1990년대 이후로는 기초생활수급자로 삶을 유지해야 했습니다.

2010년대에는 건강 문제로 고생했는데, 치매와 췌장암에 시달렸지만 2019년 이후 건강이 호전되었다고 합니다.

그의 대표곡으로는 '봄비'와 가수 장덕의 추모곡인 '예정된 시간을 위하여'가 있으며, 이 노래들은 그의 음악 경력을 대표하는 작품 중 하나입니다. 또한, 2022년부터는 파킨슨병과 알츠하이머로 싸움을 벌이고 있습니다.

소울 장르의 가수로, 그의 음악은 감미로운 가창력과 감정을 표현하는 능력으로 유명합니다. '봄비'와 같은 곡들은 그의 소울 음악 스타일을 대표하며, 그의 음악은 감성적이고 여운이 남는 특징을 가지고 있습니다.

그의 삶 동안 수많은 어려움을 겪었지만, 그의 인내와 끈기로 이것들을 극복하였습니다. 건강 문제와 경제적 어려움에도 불구하고 그의 음악적 열정은 언제나 그를 이끌었고, 그는 오랜 세월 동안 대한민국 음악계에서 자신만의 흔적을 남겼습니다.

그의 음악은 하현우를 통해 새롭게 재조명되었으며, 그의 대표작 '봄비'는 새로운 세대에게도 사랑받고 있습니다. 그의 음악은 그의 삶과 힘든 시기를 견뎌낸 강인한 정신을 대표하며, 한국 음악계에서 그의 영향력은 여전히 큽니다.

박인수의 음악은 그의 인생 고난과 극복, 그리고 음악적 열정을 통해 우리에게 희망과 감동을 전달합니다. 그의 음악을 통해 그의 삶과 음악적 업적을 기리며, 그가 계속하여 음악을 통해 우리에게 감동을 전달하길 바랍니다.


봄비 / 박인수 1970 - YouTube  응공



'봄비' 박인수,11년간 나를 잊었다...그래도 '봄비'는 잊지 않았다 [대찬인생_박인수] - YouTube



"봄비"는 마음을 달래기 어려운 외로움과 슬픔을 담은 노래입니다. 노래 가사는 비가 내리는 봄날을 걷는 모습을 통해 그 감정을 표현하고 있습니다.

이 노래는 봄비에 젖어서 걷는 모습을 통해 쓸쓸함을 느끼는 상황을 묘사합니다. 빗방울은 눈물로 변하며, 마음 속의 외로움은 달래기 어려워 한다는 것을 말하고 있습니다.

봄비는 눈 위에 쏟아지면서 눈물이 되고, 끊임없이 흐르는 상황을 묘사하여 그 마음의 아픔을 강조합니다. 봄비는 마음을 울리며, 언제까지나 내려올 것인지 모른다고 말하며, 마음까지도 봄비에 감동한다는 느낌을 전달합니다.

이 가사는 봄비를 통해 외로움과 마음의 아픔을 담아냄으로써, 그 속에서도 아름다움을 발견하려는 노력을 보여줍니다. 또한, 봄비는 어쩌면 그 마음의 상처를 달래는 고마운 존재가 될 수 있다는 메시지를 전달합니다.

"Spring Rain" is a song about loneliness and sadness that are difficult to soothe. The lyrics express the emotion through walking on a rainy spring day.

The song depicts a situation where you feel lonely through walking wet with spring rain. Raindrops turn into tears, and loneliness in the heart is said to be difficult to soothe.

Spring rain emphasizes the pain of the heart by depicting the situation that becomes tears as it pours on the snow and flows constantly. The spring rain touches the heart, says it doesn't know how long it will come down, and conveys the feeling that even the heart is moved by the spring rain.

The lyrics show efforts to discover beauty in it by capturing loneliness and heartache through spring rain. Also, Spring Rain sends a message that maybe you can become a grateful being that heals your heart's wounds.


[오아시스레코드] 박인수 (오리지날 힛송 총결산집) | 09곡 - YouTube  오아시스레코드 OASISRECORD



Park In-soo is a South Korean senior soul singer who was born on Sept. 3, 1947.

In 1970, his music career started with the song 'Spring Rain' composed by Shin Joong-hyun. The song brought him to great fame, but he was later involved in a cannabis incident and had to go downhill in his music career. In addition, he divorced his wife during these difficulties, and since the 1990s, he has had to maintain his life as a basic living recipient.

In the 2010s, he suffered from health problems, suffered from dementia and pancreatic cancer, but his health has improved since 2019.

His signature songs include "Spring Rain" and "For the Scheduled Time," a memorial song for singer Jang Deok, and these songs are one of his representative works of music. Also, starting in 2022, we are battling Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's.

As a singer in the soul genre, his music is famous for his luscious singing and ability to express emotions. Songs like "Spring Rain" represent his soul music style, and his music has emotional and lingering features.

Although he had many difficulties during his life, he overcame them with his perseverance and persistence. Despite health problems and financial difficulties, his musical passion always led him, and he left his own mark on the Korean music scene for many years.

His music has been re-examined through Ha Hyun-woo, and his signature work, "Spring Rain," is loved by the new generation. His music represents his life and the strong spirit that endured tough times, and his influence in the Korean music industry remains great.

Park In-soo's music conveys hope and emotion to us through his life hardship, overcoming, and musical passion. Honoring his life and musical achievements through his music, I hope he will continue to convey his impression to us through music.



박인수(1947) 나무위키 프로필


박인수(1947) - 나무위키

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[내맘노] 2023.08 선곡 (1~110)

My Heart's Song https://acea.tistory.com



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