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[내맘노] BTS - Run BTS




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[내맘노] BTS - Run BTS


아티스트: 방탄소년단
첫번째 앨범: Proof
발매일: 2022년
장르: 한국 댄스/일렉트로닉, K팝, Korean dance/electronic, K-pop



방탄소년단(Bang Tan Sonyundan) 또는 '방탄소년단(Bulletproof Boys)'의 약자인 방탄소년단(BTS)은 방탄조끼가 총알로부터 보호하듯 청소년과 청소년이 겪는 고난과 편견을 차단하고 음악적 가치를 자신 있게 보존하겠다는 생각을 상징합니다. 2017년 빅히트뮤직은 방탄소년단 공식 로고의 의미를 과거와 미래를 모두 아우르며, 매 순간 청춘의 장면을 뛰어넘는 것을 의미하는 머리글자 'Beyond The Scene'을 추가했습니다.

방탄소년단은 전 세계에서 3,000만 장 가량의 음반을 판매하여 대한민국 역대 최다 음반 판매량을 기록한 음악 그룹으로, 엠넷 아시안 뮤직 어워드, 멜론 뮤직 어워드, 골든 디스크, 기네스 세계 기록과 가온 차트 뮤직 어워드, 하이원 서울가요대상, MTV 유럽 뮤직 어워드, 아메리칸 뮤직 어워드와 MTV 비디오 뮤직 어워드, 빌보드 뮤직 어워드, 한국대중음악상, 대한민국 대중문화예술상 등을 수상한 대한민국 정부 화관문화훈장 최연소 수여자이며, 그래미 어워드 후보에 오른 최초이자 유일한 대한민국의 음악 그룹입니다.

2022년 6월 14일, 방탄소년단은 유튜브 채널을 통해 당분간의 팀 활동 휴식을 밝히고, 개인 활동을 시작할 것을 알렸습니다. 방탄소년단 멤버들의 활약과 행보를 기대해 봅시다.




[CHOREOGRAPHY] BTS (방탄소년단) '달려라 방탄 (Run BTS)' Dance Practice

출처: 유튜브 [BANGTANTV]


이 노래는 방탄소년단이 자신들의 성공과 함께 얻은 자신감과 열정을 담아낸 곡입니다. "Run"이라는 제목처럼 달리기를 비유하며, 일곱 멤버들이 함께 뛰어가는 모습을 그려냅니다. "Bulletproof"는 방탄소년단의 영어 이름인 "Bulletproof Boy Scouts"에서 따온 것으로, 불가능한 것처럼 보이는 도전에도 포기하지 않고 힘을 내는 모습을 나타냅니다. 노래 가사에서는 지금까지의 열심히 달린 결과로 자신들이 이룬 것들과 앞으로 달려나갈 열정과 다짐이 담겨 있습니다. 이 노래는 자신감과 열정으로 성공을 이루고자 하는 모든 이들에게 전하는 메시지입니다.


This song is a song that BTS has gained confidence and passion and passion.Unlike the title of "Run", and seven members draw together."Bullet Prooff" is the English name of BTS's English name of BTS's English name, which is impossible to give up the challenge without giving up.The lyrics include passion and multi-together, passionate and multi-together.This song is a message to all people who want to achieve success and passion.




♬ No More Dream부터 Yet To Come까지! 방탄소년단(BTS) 컴백 기념 타이틀곡 모아보기

출처: 유튜브 [MnetK-POP] 



BTS, which stands for BTS or BTS, symbolizes the idea of blocking the hardships and prejudices faced by teenagers and teenagers and confidently preserving musical values just as bulletproof vests protect them from bullets. In 2017, big hit music added the acronym 'Beyond the Scene', which means transcending scenes of youth every moment, encompassing the meaning of the official logo of BTS both past and future.

BTS is Korea's largest music group with 30 million albums sold worldwide, including Mnet Asian Music Awards, Melon Music Awards, Golden Disc Awards, Guinness World Records and Gaon Chart Music Awards, High1 Seoul Music AwardsHe is the youngest Korean music group to receive the Grand Prize, MTV Europe Music Awards, American Music Awards, MTV Video Music Awards, Billboard Music Awards, Korean Popular Music Awards, and Korea Popular Culture and Arts Awards.

On June 14, 2022, BTS announced on its YouTube channel that it would announce a break from team activities for the time being, and that it would begin personal activities. Let's look forward to the activities and actions of the BTS members.




방탄소년단 유튜브 채널



This is the official YouTube channel of BTS. 방탄소년단 공식 유튜브 채널 입니다.





방탄소년단 나무위키 프로필


방탄소년단 - 나무위키

한국의 한 보이밴드가 어떻게 세계에서 가장 거물이 되었나(How a boy band from South Korea became the biggest in the world) 2013년 데뷔해 국내외 신인상을 휩쓴 방탄소년단은 명실상부 한국을 대표하는 최정









끝까지 봐주셔서 감사합니다. 또 방문해 주세요!


[내맘노] 2023.08 선곡 (1~110)

My Heart's Song https://acea.tistory.com



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