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유튜브 머글덕 채널 소개




[내맘노] #내맘노

내맘노 My Heart's Song



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머글덕 유튜브 채널 소개


머글덕@aeHarryPotter 채널을 한국어 블로거 입장에서 존댓말로 소개해 드리겠습니다.

머글덕@aeHarryPotter 채널은 현재 구독자 239명을 보유하고 있으며, 다양한 장르의 동영상 콘텐츠를 제공하고 있습니다. 이 채널은 에스파 닝닝을 콘텐츠를 주로 다루고, 에스파(지난에스파)의 닝닝이에 대한 독특한 콘텐츠도 제공하고 있습니다.

- 채널 이름: 머글덕@aeHarryPotter
- 구독자 수: 239명
- 업로드된 동영상 수: 25개

-주요 콘텐츠-

1. [자기 귀여운거 너무 잘아는 닝닝이..] #aespa #에스파 #ningning #닝닝 #쇼츠 #shorts**
   이 동영상은 에스파의 닝닝이가 얼마나 귀엽고 재미있는지를 소개하는 영상으로, aespa와 관련된 팬들에게 큰 인기를 끌고 있습니다.

2. [닝닝 노래 녹음실 레코딩] 에스파 닝닝 원(time after time by aespa ningning) #aespa #에스파 #ningning #닝닝 #shorts #쇼츠**
   이 동영상에서는 에스파의 닝닝이가 노래 레코딩실에서 작업하는 모습을 제공하며, 관심 있는 이들에게 노래 레코딩의 프로세스를 보여줍니다.

3. [에스파 앞에서 냅다 넥스트레벨 날리는 부석순] #aespa #에스파 #seventeen #부석순 #BSS #shorts #쇼츠**
   이 동영상에서는 에스파와 Seventeen의 부석순(BSS) 멤버를 다루며, 두 그룹 간의 재미있는 상호작용을 보여주어 음악 팬들에게 흥미로운 컨텐츠를 제공합니다.

- 채널 설명 -

머글덕@aeHarryPotter 채널은 에스파의 닝닝이에 대한 흥미로운 콘텐츠를 제공하고 있습니다. 이 채널은 다양한 동영상을 통해 닝닝이의 다양한 모습과 활동을 소개하며, 팬들에게 더 가까워질 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.

채널 주인공인 머글덕@aeHarryPotter은 팬들과 소통하며 업로드되는 동영상을 통해 에스파의 닝닝이와 관련된 다양한 정보와 재미있는 콘텐츠를 제공하고 있습니다. 이 채널을 구독하면 에스파의 닝닝이에 대한 최신 소식과 흥미로운 모습을 놓치지 않을 수 있을 것입니다.

머글덕@aeHarryPotter 채널은 에스파 팬들과 음악 팬들에게 다양한 정보와 엔터테인먼트를 제공하며, 닝닝이와 관련된 다양한 주제를 다룹니다. 머글덕@aeHarryPotter 채널을 방문하여 다양한 동영상을 즐기고 구독하여 새로운 업로드를 놓치지 않도록 해보세요.

채널을 통해 에스파의 닝닝이에 대한 다양한 정보와 재미있는 콘텐츠를 즐기실 수 있을 것입니다. 감사합니다.



그 시절 날 좋아해줘서 고마워, 나도 널 좋아했던 그 시절의 내가 좋아, 🌏 우리가 졸업하던 그해 여름-닝닝 자작곡(by aespa ningning) 가사/해석 - YouTube



눈뜨면 사라질 꿈인 걸 알면서도, 🦋 자각몽(Lucid Dream)-에스파(by aespa) 가사/해석 #aespa #알고있지만 - YouTube




지나고 나서야 비로소 알게 되는 것들, 🧚 Let her go (by passenger) 가사/해석 #노래 #영화 #피터팬 - YouTube



[에스파 닝닝] 노래 녹음 레코딩 smtown 원(time after time by aespa ningning) #aespa #에스파 #ningning #닝닝 - YouTube


Introducing the Muggle Duck YouTube channel

From the standpoint of Korean bloggers, I will introduce the Mugle Duck @aeHarryPotter channel in honorifics.

The MuggleDuck@aeHarryPotter channel currently has 239 subscribers and offers video content from various genres. The channel mainly covers espanning content, and also provides unique content about espa's (last espa) Ningying.

- Channel name: MuggleDuck@aeHarryPotter
- Number of subscribers: 239
- Uploaded videos: 25

-Main contents -

1. [HUENINGKAI knows how cute he is...] #aespa #Espa #ning #Ningning #Shorts #Shorts**
This video introduces how cute and fun Espa's Ning Ning is, and it is very popular with fans related to aespa.

2. [Recording a recording studio of "Ningning" song] Espanning One (time after time by aespa) #espa #Espa #ning #ning #shorts #shorts**
The clip features espa's Ning Ning working in a song recording studio, showing interested people the process of recording songs.

3. [Boo Seok Soon's next level] #aespa #Espa #seventeen #Boo Seok Soon #BSS #shorts #shorts**
The video features members of BSS of Espa and Seventeen, and shows interesting interactions between the two groups, providing interesting content for music fans.

- Channel Description -

The MuggleDuck@aeHarryPotter channel is providing interesting content about Espa's NingNing. The channel introduces Ning Ning's various looks and activities through various videos, and provides fans with the opportunity to get closer.

The channel's main character, MuggleDuck@aeHarryPotter, communicates with fans and provides a variety of information and fun content related to Espa's NingNing through uploaded videos. Subscribe to this channel and you won't miss the latest news and interesting look on Espa's Ning Ningyi.

The MuggleDuck@aeHarryPotter channel provides a variety of information and entertainment to espa fans and music fans, and covers a variety of topics related to NingNing. Visit the MuggleDuck@aeHarryPotter channel to enjoy and subscribe to various videos so you don't miss new uploads.

You will be able to enjoy a variety of information and fun contents about Espa's NingNing through the channel. Thank you.



머글덕 - YouTube Channel



ae(아이)HarryPotter !










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[내맘노] 2023.08 선곡 (1~110)

My Heart's Song https://acea.tistory.com



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