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[내맘노] 손인호 - 물새야 왜 우느냐




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[내맘노] 손인호 - 물새야 왜 우느냐


아티스트: 손인호
첫번째 앨범: 손인호 힛트 앨범
발매일: 1957년
장르: 옛가요, 트로트



손인호는 대한민국의 대표적인 트로트 가수 중 한 명으로, 1926년에 조선 평안북도에서 태어났습니다. 


손인호는 1926년 평안북도 창성군에서 출생하였으며, 어린 시절에는 벽동군에서 유아기를 보낸 적도 있었습니다. 하지만 수풍댐 건설로 인해 고향이 물에 잠기자 만주국 신징으로 이주하였습니다. 그 후 해방 후 귀국하여 관서콩쿨대회에서 1등을 차지하며 가수로 데뷔하였습니다. 이후에는 녹음기사로 활동하다가 1954년 작곡가 박시춘의 노래를 받아 크게 히트시키며 가수로서 인기를 얻기 시작했습니다.

손인호는 가수로서의 활동 뿐만 아니라, 영화녹음 작업에도 참여하였습니다. 1950년대부터 1980년대 초까지 한양녹음실에서 대표기사로 활동했으며, 그 시기에 수많은 히트곡을 녹음하였습니다.

그 중에서도 가장 유명한 곡 중 하나가 물새야 왜 우느냐입니다.  손인호가 1957년에 녹음한 곡으로, 이후 많은 가수들이 불러왔습니다. 물새야의 가사는 청춘의 한 순간을 노래한 것으로, 물새야가 왜 우는지에 대한 의문을 제기하며, 인생은 한번 가고 다시는 돌아오지 않는다는 것을 강조합니다.

손인호는 노래로만 유명한 인물이 아니라, 개신교인으로서도 활발한 활동을 펼쳤습니다. 그는 원로가수거목회, 만나리, 뿌리회 등 가수 친목회에서 활동하였으며, 종교계에서도 활발한 역할을 하였습니다.

손인호는 그의 생애 동안 수많은 곡을 불러내며, 대한민국의 대중음악 역사에 큰 흔적을 남겼습니다. 그의 노래는 오랫동안 우리의 삶과 문화 속에서 사랑받을 것입니다.

이처럼 손인호의 노래는 우리나라 대중음악 역사의 중요한 부분을 차지하고 있습니다. 그의 노래는 단순한 엔터테인먼트를 넘어서, 우리의 삶과 문화를 반영한 작품으로, 많은 이들에게 위로와 감동을 줍니다.

참고: 위키백과 [손인호]




물새야 왜 우느냐 1958 손인호 - YouTube / Silvertown 은발촌



물새야 왜 우느냐
유수같은 세월을 원망 말아라
인생도 한 번 가면 다시 못 오고
뜬세상 남을 거란 청산 뿐이다
아 물새야 울지를 마라

물새야 왜 우느냐
천 년 꿈의 사직을 생각 말아라
강물도 너와 같이 울 줄 몰라서
백사장 벗을 삼고 흘러만 가리
아 물새야 울지를 마라



첫 번째 절에서는 물새에게 "왜 우느냐"고 물어봅니다. 그리고 "유수같은 세월을 원망 말아라"는 말로 인생이 짧은 것을 강조하며, "인생도 한 번 가면 다시 못 오고"는 말로 인생의 소중함을 강조합니다. 마지막으로 "뜬세상 남을 거란 청산 뿐이다"는 말은 사람들이 자기만의 이익을 위해 다른 사람을 버리는 세상에서 물새처럼 그들과 다르게 살아가야 한다는 것을 나타냅니다.


두 번째 절에서는 "천 년 꿈의 사직을 생각 말아라"는 말로 인생의 짧음을 강조하며, "강물도 너와 같이 울 줄 몰라서"는 말로 물새가 우는 것이 외롭기 때문이라는 것을 나타냅니다. 마지막으로 "백사장 벗을 삼고 흘러만 가리"는 말은 물새처럼 자유롭게 살아가야 한다는 것을 나타냅니다.


이 가사는 인생의 짧음과 현실적인 세상에서 살아가는 것의 어려움을 담고 있으며, 물새를 통해 그것을 이해하고 극복해야 한다는 메시지가 담겨 있습니다.



가요무대 얼굴없는 가수 손인호 편 [가요힛트쏭] KBS 2001.6.11 방송 / 출처: 유튜브 [KBS 같이삽시다]




물새야왜우느냐 손인호 - YouTube / 출처: SNB TV [SNB 녹음실]



Artist: Son Inho
First album: Son Inho's hit album
Release Date: 1957
Genre: Old songs, trot songs

Son In-ho is one of the leading trot singers in South Korea and was born in 1926 in Pyeonganbuk-do, Joseon.
Son In-ho was born in 1926 in Changseong-gun, Pyeonganbuk-do, and spent his infancy in Byeokdong-gun as a child. However, as my hometown was flooded due to the construction of the Sufung Dam, I moved to Xinjing, Manchuria. After liberation, he returned to Korea and made his debut as a singer by winning first place in the Gwanseo Competition. After that, he worked as a recording engineer, and in 1954, he received a song by composer Park Si-chun and became a big hit, gaining popularity as a singer.

Son In-ho not only worked as a singer, but also participated in film recording. From the 1950s to the early 1980s, he worked as a representative engineer at Hanyang Recording Room, and recorded many hit songs during that time.

Among them, one of the most famous songs is the water bird, why cry. It was recorded by Son In-ho in 1957, and many singers have sung it since then. The lyrics of "Waterbirdya" are a song of a moment of youth, raising the question of why it cries, and emphasizing that life goes once and never comes back.

Son In-ho was not only famous for singing, but also active as a Protestant. He played an active role in the religious community, as well as in the singer's fraternity, such as the senior singer's club, Mannari, and root association.

Son In-ho left a big mark on the history of Korean pop music, singing numerous songs during his lifetime. His songs will be loved in our lives and culture for a long time.

As such, Son In-ho's songs are an important part of the history of popular music in Korea. His songs are not just entertainment, but a reflection of our lives and culture, and they comfort and impress many people.
Note: Wikipedia [Son Inho]


Waterbirds, why are you crying
Don't blame yourself for all these years
If you go to life once, you can't come back
The only thing that will remain in the open world is liquidation
Oh, water birds. Don't cry

Waterbirds, why are you crying
Don't think about resigning after a thousand years of dream
I didn't know the river would cry with you
I'm just going to take care of the white sand
Oh, water birds. Don't cry

The first section asks the water bird, "Why are you crying?" And he emphasizes the importance of life by saying, "Don't resent the years of life," and by saying, "You can't come back if you go once you emphasize the importance of life. Finally, the phrase "the only thing left in the open world is liquidation" means that people have to live differently from them like water birds in a world where they abandon others for their own benefit.

The second section emphasizes the shortness of life by saying, "Don't think about resignation of a thousand years' dream," and "Even rivers don't know how to cry like you," indicating that water birds are lonely. Finally, the phrase "just flow like a white sandman's friend" means that you have to live freely like a water bird.

The lyrics contain the shortness of life and the difficulty of living in a realistic world, and the message that you should understand and overcome it through water birds.



손인호 나무위키 프로필


손인호(가수) - 나무위키

특히, 팔도강산에서는 녹음 중 직접 특별출연하여 가수 박가인 씨와 백마강에서 뱃사공으로 분장해서 밀짚모자를 쓰고 "백마강"을 부르면서 노를 젖는 장면이 인상적이다.









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[내맘노] 2023.08 선곡 (1~110)

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