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유튜브 울트라화려_ULTRA HWA RYEO 채널 소개




[내맘노] #내맘노

내맘노 My Heart's Song



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울트라화려_ULTRA HWA RYEO 유튜브 채널 소개


울트라화려_ULTRA HWA RYEO 채널은 다양한 화려하고 감각적인 공연과 댄스 콘텐츠를 제공하는 유튜브 채널입니다. 현재 구독자 수는 2.48천명이며, 이 채널은 총 221개의 동영상을 게시하고 있습니다. 울트라화려는 화려한 공연, 다채로운 댄스, 그리고 한국 전통 문화를 통해 감동과 재미를 전달하고 있습니다.

채널에서는 화려한 공연 영상을 주로 공유하며, 다양한 행사와 축제에서의 공연, 댄스, 난타, 그리고 타악 등 다양한 예술 공연을 담은 동영상을 즐길 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 시청자들은 화려한 한국 문화와 예술을 경험하고 감상할 수 있습니다.

채널은 주로 한국어로 소통하며, 화려한 공연과 댄스를 통해 감성을 자극하고 즐거운 시간을 선사합니다. 시청자들은 화려한 공연에서 창의적인 댄스, 난타, 그리고 한국 문화에 대한 흥미로운 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다.

또한, 울트라화려 채널은 공연 문의를 받고 있으며, 인스타그램 링크를 통해 자세한 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다. 채널은 화려한 공연의 뒤면과 노력, 그리고 예술에 대한 열정을 시청자들에게 보여주며, 공연을 즐기는 재미와 아름다움을 공유합니다.

울트라화려 채널은 한국의 다양한 예술과 댄스 씬을 소개하고 시청자들에게 화려한 시각적 경험을 선사합니다. 예술과 댄스를 사랑하는 분들에게는 훌륭한 콘텐츠를 제공하며, 한국 문화와 예술에 대한 관심을 높이는 데 기여하고 있습니다.



[화려 공연영상] 울산쇠부리축제 두드리 타악페스타 결선 l 화려 l 울트라화려 l 난타영상 l 난타공연 l 여성타악팀 l 여성난타팀 l 여성공연팀 l korean dancers - YouTube



[ 화려 공연영상] 2023년 제44회 서울연극제 개막식 개막공연 l 화려 l 공연팀 l 댄스타악퍼포먼스 l korean l koreanperformance - YouTube





[화려 공연영상] 2023년 첫 공연 l 그랜드하얏트 l KG Mobillty l 쌍용 l 공연팀 l 여성 타악팀 l korean drums - YouTube



[화려 공연영상] Jessi J,Ariana Grande,Nicki Minaj - YouTube


Ultra Gorge_ULTRA HWARRYEO Channel is a YouTube channel that offers a variety of colorful and sensual performances and dance content. Currently, the channel has 2.48 thousand subscribers, and the channel is posting a total of 221 videos posted. Ultra Hwaryeo delivers emotion and fun through colorful performances, colorful dances, and Korean traditional culture.

The channel mainly shares colorful performance videos, and you can enjoy videos of various art performances such as performances at various events and festivals, dance, Nanta, and percussion. Through this, viewers can experience and appreciate colorful Korean culture and art.

The channel mainly communicates in Korean, stimulating emotions and providing a fun time through colorful performances and dances. Viewers can get creative dance, Nanta, and interesting information about Korean culture in colorful performances.

In addition, Ultra Gorge Channel is receiving inquiries for performances, and more information is available through Instagram links. The channel shares the fun and beauty of enjoying the show, showing viewers the background, hard work, and passion for art.

The Ultra Gorge Channel introduces various Korean art and dance scenes and gives viewers a spectacular visual experience. It provides great content for those who love art and dance, and contributes to raising interest in Korean culture and art.



울트라화려_ULTRA HWA RYEO - YouTube Channel



공연 문의 010-7219-0702♡










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[내맘노] 2023.08 선곡 (1~110)

My Heart's Song https://acea.tistory.com




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