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유튜브 춤추는각씨 Gaackxxy 채널 소개




[내맘노] #내맘노

내맘노 My Heart's Song



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춤추는각씨 Gaackxxy 유튜브 채널 소개


춤추는각씨(Gaackxxy) 채널은 경력이 10년과 20년인 경력 댄서 커플인 Rhythmgate와 Waackxxxy의 댄서 활동을 다루는 채널로, 현재 구독자 수는 1.52천명이고 동영상은 총 63개로 구성되어 있습니다.

춤추는각씨는 한국적인 느낌을 살려 "Gaackxxy"라는 이름으로 활동하며, 그동안의 활동 내용 및 앞으로의 활동을 다양한 재미있는 영상을 통해 업로드할 예정입니다.

채널 내의 동영상은 국뽕과 대한민국 댄서의 자부심을 소개하는 등 다양한 댄스 스타일과 미션에 도전하는 콘텐츠가 포함되어 있습니다. 특히, "스우파 2 레전드 배틀"에서 왁씨와 커스틴의 격렬한 대결 리뷰 등을 제공하고 있으며, 이를 통해 댄스 스킬과 경쟁을 감상할 수 있습니다.

채널은 "Prank video"를 통해 왁씨를 속이는 재미있는 모습을 보여주기도 하고, 왁씨와 Rhythmgate의 게스트 쇼케이스 등 다양한 댄스 활동을 공유하고 있습니다. 또한, 왁씨의 다양한 레전드 댄스 배틀 리뷰와 각씨의 VLOG 등 다양한 콘텐츠를 제공하고 있습니다.

인기 동영상으로는 "스우파 배틀 리뷰"와 "Dance review" 등의 리뷰 콘텐츠도 제공되며, 댄서들의 대결과 리뷰를 즐길 수 있습니다.

채널은 "Shorts"라는 짧은 동영상을 통해 레전드 댄스와 댄스 배틀의 하이라이트를 소개하고 있으며, 이를 통해 다양한 댄스 스킬을 간략하게 감상할 수 있습니다.

"춤추는각씨" 채널은 한국 댄스 문화를 다양한 측면에서 소개하고, 댄서 커플의 활동과 열정을 공유하며, 댄스와 댄서들에 대한 관심과 사랑을 부탁드리며, 시청자들에게 즐거움과 감동을 전달하고 있습니다.


젊음과 패기로만 뭉친 독한 왁킹. Waackxxxy 왁씨(레전드영상)



[NCT Ten dance] Do you remember Hit the stage? 텐의 실제 성격과 댄서들이 평가하는 텐의 실력은? - YouTube




[세계대회] 국뽕하나 더 가시죠!근데?춤스타일 대박!! - YouTube



Rhythm gate 와 Waackxxxy 가 더 유니온에 게스트 쇼케이스 다녀왔어요! - YouTube


The dancing Gaackxxy channel deals with the dancers' activities of Rhythmgate and Waackxxxy, a couple of experienced dancers with 10 and 20 years of experience, currently has 1.52 thousand subscribers and consists of 63 videos in total.

Gak, who dances, will work under the name of "Gaackxxy" with a Korean feel, and will upload his activities and future activities through various fun videos.

Videos in the channel include various dance styles and challenging missions, including introducing Gukppong and the pride of Korean dancers. In particular, the "Soopa 2 Legendary Battle" offers fierce competition reviews between Mr. Wack and Kirsten, which allows you to appreciate dance skills and competition.

The channel also shows fun images of Mr. Wack cheating through "Prank video" and shares various dance activities, including guest showcases of Mr. Wack and Rhythmgrate. In addition, various contents such as Wack's various legendary dance battle reviews and Gak's VLOG are provided.

Popular videos also include review contents such as "Soopa Battle Review" and "Dance Review", and you can enjoy the dancers' confrontation and reviews.

The channel introduces the highlights of legendary dance and dance battles through a short video called "Shorts", which allows you to briefly appreciate various dance skills.

The "Dancing Gak" channel introduces Korean dance culture from various aspects, shares the activities and passion of the dancers, asks for attention and love for dance and dancers, and conveys joy and emotion to viewers.



춤추는각씨 Gaackxxy - YouTube Channel


춤추는각씨 Gaackxxy

안녕하세요!! 춤추는각씨 입니다~저희는 경력 (10년차,20년차)댄서로 활동하는 댄서커플입니다 Rhythmgate 와 Waackxxxy의 이름을 섞어 한국적인 느낌을 살려 Gaackxxy 라는 이름으로 활동하고 있는데요~










끝까지 봐주셔서 감사합니다. 또 방문해 주세요!



[내맘노] 2023.08 선곡 (1~110)

My Heart's Song https://acea.tistory.com




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